Customised minerals to assist with continued herd health and development.
Hard Hoof Max-T-Mins
Hard Hoof Max-T-Mins is a water-soluble, multi-mineral, trace element mix specifically formulated to optimise herd health and performance
Customised minerals to assist with continued herd health and development.
Hard Hoof Max-T-Mins is a water-soluble, multi-mineral, trace element mix specifically formulated to optimise herd health and performance
Loose-Lick has balanced mineral combinations that limit negative interactions ensuring optimal absorption, especially of phosphorus.
GET-SET-COW Lead Feed Supplement is specifically formulated to help prevent milk fever and prepare cows for the coming lactation.
STAY-Up is a range of specifically formulated mineral supplement pellets designed to eliminate both pasture dusting post-calving and the need to add Magnesium Chloride to your water supply.
Max-T-Mins is a water-soluble, multi-mineral, trace element mix specifically formulated to optimise herd health and performance
Selisseo® is the innovative organic selenium-based antioxidant that helps animals fight oxidative stress.
KEMTRACE™ Chromium is an Highly bioavailable, organic source of Chromium suitable for all phases of dairy production.